We help leaders get people moving together toward equity.

A group of staff gathered around a meeting table looking at a large computer and a wall with post it notes.

Champion Equity with Confidence

In today's dynamic landscape, not-for-profit leaders are at the forefront of driving meaningful change. But championing equity requires more than just intent—it demands a structured approach and actionable strategies.

Enter the Equity Nexus Framework. Designed with leaders like you in mind, our framework provides a clear roadmap to navigate the complexities of equity advocacy.

It's not just about understanding equity; it's about embedding it into every facet of your organization. By leveraging the Equity Nexus Framework, you'll gain the tools, insights, and methodologies to transform your passion for equity into impactful actions.

It starts with people

Hero culture may make it seem like extraordinary individuals shape history. But when it comes to championing equity, the reality is far more collaborative.

Equity is a Team Sport
An Equity Nexus is a group of people who come together to advance the success and well-being of all by removing barriers in groups, organizations, communities, and systems.
Your role: Empower Equity Nexuses
Whether you're guiding a board, leading senior management, or collaborating within a team, your success lies in your ability to galvanize collective action towards equity. It's about ensuring everyone has the resources and the direction to drive meaningful change. As a not-for-profit leader, nurturing these nexuses is your most potent tool for enacting transformative change.
A group of staff gathered around a laptop talking and smiling.

Equity Nexus Mobilizer

The Equity Nexus Framework is based on over a decade of experience supporting equity-driven projects with not-for-profits. It outlines the 5 key pillars you need to forge effective Equity Nexuses - groups of people moving toward equity.


Equity articulation

Equity articulation

Clearly explain your goals

The foundation for any successful equity initiative is your ability to articulate your equity goals in a manner that people can understand and connect with. A clear Equity Articulation inspires teams to rally behind a shared vision, providing a unified language for progress. This clarity transforms abstract equity concepts into tangible, actionable roles for each member.

white and gray optical illusionby JJ Ying

Trust Building

Trust Building

Change moves at the speed of trust

Trust Building ensures team members, especially members from equity-deserving groups, are confident in each other's commitment and accountability. This internal trust accelerates results and cultivates a collaborative atmosphere for continuous equity progress. Building trust with diverse stakeholders solidifies their belief in the group's transparent and inclusive decision-making, reinforcing the Equity Nexus's credibility and effectiveness.

Window on murray buildingby bady abbas

Intentional bridging

Intentional Bridging

Meaningful relationships

Intentional Bridging is our dedicated effort to ensure that knowledge about stakeholders' experiences, priorities, and strengths continuously flows into the Equity Nexus. While it's unrealistic to have every unique experience represented in every discussion, integrating diverse perspectives is essential. This proactive approach not only guarantees inclusivity but also paves the way for more effective and impactful solutions.

white concrete building wallby Christian Perner

Ownership creation

Ownership Creation

Moving beyond buy-in

The Equity Nexus approach goes beyond mere buy-in; it cultivates genuine collective ownership among its members and stakeholders. True ownership is marked by active contributions to equity goals. Without this shared sense of responsibility, there's a risk that stakeholders might lean on leadership alone to drive equity, leading not only to potential failures but also to perceptions of insincerity or tokenism.

FR / Coup d’œil sur la charpente de la gare Liège-Guillemins, en Belgique. EN / Lookup at the Liège-Guillemins train station in Liège, Belgium.by Lou Brassard

People empowerment

People Empowerment

Give people the tools they need

People Empowerment intersects with every other pillar. It's about equipping everyone with the tools and knowledge they need to champion equity actively. And it's ensuring your Equity Nexus has both the resources and the authority to make a real difference.

a blender test.by SIMON LEE


The logo of Youth Service Bureau
The logo of Youth Service Bureau


Unlock your team's potential

Increase your team's confidence in their individual and team’s ability to effect change. As a result, they will engage in more quality and frequent equity-advancing actions

Embody equity together

Increase the equity and inclusion within your team. As a result, your team will more fully embody the equity it wants to see in the world and be an example for others of continuous learning and growth.

Measurable impact

Maximise your impact on meaningful equity goals.

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